Nutrient HiVeg™ Agar for Oxidase

For confirmation of presence of oxidase in microorganisms in water.

Technical Data Sheet , Safety Data Sheet

Packings : 500G

SKU: MV1274 Category:


Nutrient HiVeg™ Agar for Oxidase is recommended for confirmation of presence of oxidase in microorganisms in water. Hiveg medium is recommended by APHA for differentiation of the coliform bacteria on the basis of presence of enzyme cytochrome oxidase. It is also recommended by ISO Committee for the same. The test can be performed by flooding the agar surface of an inoculated plate with the reagent after incubation or with the help of oxidase reagent impregnated filter paper. This medium is prepared by replacing animal peptones with vegetable defined peptones to avoid BSE/TSE/GMO risk.