BHI HiVeg™ Agar w/PABA (Brain Heart Infusion w/ PABA and Agar, HiVeg™)

Used for culturing blood from patients under Sulphonamide therapy. The addition of agar improves growth of anaerobes.

Technical Data Sheet , Safety Data Sheet

Packings : 500G

SKU: MV213 Category:


The medium is a highly nutritious medium which can support luxuriant growth of wide variety of microorganisms including bacteria, yeasts and moulds and is often used for isolation of pathogens from clinical specimens especially blood. Para amino benzoic acid is an active inhibitor of the bacteriostasis produced by the sulfonamide drugs; also it serves as an accessory growth factor for several species of bacteria. Therefore para amino benzoic acid incorporated in the medium helps to neutralize the effect of antimicrobials present in the blood of patients under sulphonamide therapy making isolation of organisms from blood easier. Agar in the medium reduces the oxygen tension and favors growth of facultative and obligatory anaerobic microorganisms