BHI CC Agar, HiVeg™ (Brain Heart CC Agar, HiVeg™)

For selective isolation and cultivation of fastidious pathogenic fungi from specimens heavily contaminated with bacteria and saprophytic fungi.

Technical Data Sheet , Safety Data Sheet

Packings : 100G

SKU: MV209 Category:


This medium is recommended for selective isolation of pathogenic fungi. This medium contains beef heart and calf brain infusion and proteose peptone to supply the necessary nutrients to support the growth of fastidious pathogenic fungi.Addition of Gentamicin, 50 mcg/ml of medium, improves the selectivity. The antibiotics in this medium may inhibit some fungi. The addition of blood makes Agar suitable for the isolation of the tissue phase of Histoplasma capsulatum and other pathogenic fungi, including Coccidioides immitis .