Litmus Lactose HiVeg™ Agar

Used for selective isolation of enteric bacteria on the basis of lactose fermentation.

Technical Data Sheet , Safety Data Sheet

Packings : 500G

SKU: MV507 Category:


Litmus Lactose HiVeg™ Agar is recommended for selective isolation of enteric bacteria on the basis of lactose fermentation. Sodium taurocholate inhibits the growth of gram-positive microorganisms. Lactose is the fermentable sugar utilized by coliform enteric bacteria leading to production of acid. Litmus acts as pH indicator. Organisms grows luxuriantlly on the media and shows different colony color like Escherichia coli shows red color, Salmonella Typhi shows deep blue to violet, Proteus mirabilis shows blue to violet (with (no swarming). This medium is prepared by replacing animal peptones with vegetable defined peptones to avoid BSE/TSE/GMO risk.